Seeing any type of doctor is always a little nerve wracking and uncomfortable, but often times so many people are very strongly opposed to the suggestion of seeing a psychologist. There are a lot of factors that bring this feeling of uneasy and opposition on. One common reason is because it's a type of doctor or person working in the medical field, so it naturally makes us uneasy like doctor or dentist visits. A second reason could be due to the fact that the public image of seeing a psychologists means you must be crazy. This of course is not true. All you need is some extra assistance to help sort out a difficult situation or issue, and it certainly doesn't mean you're loopy.
A report that the Highland Users Group (know as HUG), which is a collective advocacy group, published might shed some more light to this question of hostility toward psychologists and the stereotypes that go along with seeing a psychiatrist. One thing they found was that people had so many different perceptions on what a psychologist would be like, ranging from "'the nutty professor’ to ‘the analyst’ to ‘the aloof interrogator'"(HUG,2006). If this is what psychologists were like, we would all have a good reason to be scared! Of course though, stereotypes are always very over exaggerated and have very little to no truth in them.
The HUG also thought of different ways to improve the bad rap that psychologists often receive. They said that if people got to know psychologists better, then the image would probably change. They also found that psychologists themselves may be the cause of some of this nervousness and hostility. They always seem a little harried with their hectic schedules and that may cause patients to be a little edgier as well. The HUG proposed that if psychologists adapted a more relaxed and calm attitude, the patient would be more at ease as well.
To learn more about the research and results that the Highland Users Group found, you can click here.
So with a little improvement from both sides, the patient and the psychologist would greatly benefit both parties and result in a more positive experience overall!